When writing about this case back in December I said
...Despite these facts, we're still waiting to hear from the Harris County DA regarding charges against Mr. Horn. Suffice it to say, no one's holding their breath.
...when he went outside. He (Joe Horn) just saw two Black dudes. And in the eyes of many of my fellow Texans, despite the fact that burglary has NEVER been deemed a capital offense, and that a man is supposedly innocent until proven guilty; that is justification enough to get away with murder.
Sometimes I hate it when I'm right. To recap, they weren't robbing his house, a 911 operator told him to stay inside because police were on the way, and as it turns out, were already on the scene but had to duck to avoid getting shot.
"It was over within seconds. The detective never had time to say anything before the shots were fired," (Pasadena police Capt. A.H. "Bud") Corbett said. "At first, the officer was assessing the situation. Then he was worried Horn might mistake him for the 'wheel man' (getaway driver). He ducked at one point.
Did I mention that both men were shot in the back? I know this is Texas and all, but even back in the wild west shooting somebody in the back was considered a cowardly act. What's different here?
Well at least we know that Good ol' Joe feels so bad about what he did now.
Horn's attorney, Tom Lambright, said recently that Horn regrets his decision to confront the men.
"Was it a mistake from a legal standpoint? No. But a mistake in his life? Yes," Lambright said. "Because it's affected him terribly. And if he had it to do over again, he would stay inside.
...Lambright said Horn didn't expect to be involved in a shooting, but rather expected to see the two men running or driving away.
"He thought he was gathering evidence for the police department," Lambright said.
Sure Mr. Lambright. None of of us heard the 911 tape where Good ol' Joe told the operator he was going out there to kill those men. I'm sure it's really had an effect on him, but I guarantee it hasn't affected his life like it did the men he murdered.There are a lot of folks asking now what the makeup of that grand jury was. C'mon, do you really have to ask. This is after all Harris County, TX. But like I said, I'm not surprised. just wonder what the outcome would have been if the victims weren't Black, Hispanic, and in the country illegally from Columbia.
Well, Good ol' Joe, you got away with it.