Though I expected the Democrats to win and win big, I've got to say I was unprepared for the wave of emotion that flooded over me when the race was called for Barack Obama. Our little family just grabbed each other, hugged, and held on. Then we said a prayer of thanks to God for the blessing of the day, and of thanks to our ancestors for persevering through it all and making a day like yesterday possible. Another significant date has been added to the panopoly of sacred dates/events in the advancement of African-Americans up from slavery, joining the Emancipation Proclamation/Juneteenth; the culmination of the Civil Rights Movement (in the form of the Voting Rights Act of 1964); and now the election of the first person of African descent to the highest office in the land.
This is not simply a victory for Blacks, but rather an overwhelming victory for the American people. However based simply on my own history and experiences, at first glance I have to look at it from the perspective of being a Black man. I've been conversing with friends, family, and blog buddies since last night, and keep ending up in the same place. Namely, that just a few short years ago when I was coming up, we used to joke (in a serious way) that a Black person would never, ever become the President of the United States. There were just too many obstacles in the path of such a victory.
For example, there just aren't enough Black people in this country to elect a President. We only comprise 12-13% of the population, so on a good day, if all of us voted for the same candidate and could vote in the same state, we'd have trouble electing a governor in California or Texas by ourselves, let alone a President.
Then there's racial prejudice. In the world I grew up in in East Texas, it was quite clear to everybody that a color line existed and that major obstacles faced Blacks trying to advance in almost any endeavor. That same line existed, sometimes in more subtle fashion, pretty much everywhere else I've lived and worked. White folks simply would not vote for a Black candidate if a viable (read White) alternative was available. National level politics? A President? Yeah right, quit dreaming.
Yet here we are in 2008 and not only is an African-American the President-elect, his victory is due in very large measure to the millions of Whites who voted for him. Oh, I'm not leaving out Blacks, Hispanics, Asians, and others who formed part of the victory coalition, but the fact that Obama captured such a large percentage of the White vote is amazing and gratifying to me. I am proud that so many folks voted based upon their best interests instead of out of fear or ignorance. In so doing, the impetus has been provided for America to take another great leap ahead as a country.
In many ways this election validates our hopes in regard to America's future. I know when I've discussed issues of history and race with teenagers, a lot of times it's as if they have no idea what you're talking about, and their almost universal refrain is that "that was then and this is now. Things have changed." Apparently they are right. Our kids all get along until they're taught not to, and the youth vote in this election proved that beyond a doubt.
Now I haven't buried my head in the sand to the point where I think that the race issue in this country has finally been dealt with definitively. Maybe it never will be. Like Obama, pretty much all of us (especially Blacks and Whites) are mixed-race if you go back far enough and uncover some of the forgotten leaves in our family trees. We're from the same families in other words, and the problem is that historically one side of the family tree reaped the majority of the inheritance. That reality and other deep rooted issues can't be washed away based on the results of a single election.
But Barack Obama's candidacy exposed an essential truth that I hope is built upon in the coming years. That truth is that we Americans have a lot more in common than different. Our interests are the same. A lot of us even have the same names, and common ancestors. We all want to be able to provide for our families, for our kids to get a good education, and to be afforded the opportunity to live healthy and in security. The current administration and its policies has shown us all that we're in the same boat. High gas prices, unending wars, and organized theft from the national treasury affects us all, and we'll be paying the price for two G.W. Bush terms for years to come. Last night's victory is a great start towards that recovery, and a spingboard for a better future.
I sure hope so anyway, and I really wish some of those people who meant the most to me in my life could have lived to see it.
I was wrong...
It wasn't the first time that I've been wrong, but certainly the best that I've felt afterward.
I didn't believe that America (the U.S.) was ready for an African-American to be President of the United States of America.
I argued the point vociferously to anyone that would listen, brothers at the barbershop, members at church, friends, and family that no matter how articulate, polished, or well-educated at the end of the day white folks still looked at a Black man and said, "Yeah, but he's still a N*****!"
The fact that I was wrong was made clear when an overwhelming majority of the electorate voted for Barack Obama and the exclamation point added by the faces of young and old white women (and some men) crying at the victory celebration in Grant Park on Tuesday evening.
Barack Obama gave an entire nation permission to believe that hope is alive and together "Yes we can!"
Well said!! And now it's time for our kids to step up to the plate. No more excuses about what WE can't do. If Obama can break the mother-load of all barriers, so can the rest of well as those of us to come. This is a brand new day...
Hello there!
I am so happy that I found your blog!!
This entire experience is still merinating with so many millions of people....I wrote a post "After The Tears...America Faces Reality" because I believe that we have to continue to own up to all that is wrong in our country in order to produce lasting change.
Please feel welcome to drop by my blog and share your thoughts whenever you'd like!! (smiles)
Peace, blessings and DUNAMIS!
Hiya DP, Angie, Miss Boo.
Isn't it funny how everything can change in the blink of an eye?
Hope does that.
I no longer worry that the economic meltdown will overwhelm all of us. I no longer worry that humanity will never grow up or evolve. I no longer fear that American apathy will be more formidable than our best efforts to change.
I feel layers of cynicism falling away as easily as my favorite oak tree sheds its leaves.
We chose the one man who is the best person to lead us into a new day. And so far, he hasn't done a single tangible thing in his capacity as our new leader. And yet.., he has done everything. He made us hope again. He made us dream.
He never wavered from his unique quiet dignity. No matter the foul venom flung at him. No matter the lies flung at full volley attempt to bring the basest of human tendencies to the forefront. Obama was true to himself. I believe he will walk a true path for us. I believe we will begin to walk a truer path for ourselves.
I believe.
Menopausal Mick
Very good post...I wish, like you that many people that meant so much in my life could of been alive to witness this event
Anon: You weren't the only one who called it wrong, but isn't great! Maybe we need to wrong more often. Thanks for coming by.
Angie - No time to play anymore. We have to get back to where we were. No excuses! BTW - We've all seen the video from Obama, Japan, but I'd sure be interested to hear more about how folks are feeling over there (hint, hint)
BWBTT - Thanks for coming through and I'm glad you found us too. I promise I will be by your place real soon. I think we're all still basking in the afterglow!
Mick - you are so profound. "I believe we will begin to walk a truer path for ourselves." Amen to that sister.
Iriegal - Thanks for your comment. We've all lost someone and the pain never really goes away. At moments like this I just know they're smiling down at us all. We will see them again.
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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