Monday, May 07, 2007

2007 TSU Grads - Hold Your Heads Up!

My man J. Molock holds undergrad and graduate degrees from TSU, so as you can imagine, he has a lot to say about the current issues over there, and if anyone has the right to say anything, it's him. You've got to appreciate the positive message to the upcoming graduating class.

Alumni From UT (Univ. of Texas) And UH (Univ. of Houston) Are Main Contributors To TSU’s Plight

TSU’s graduating class of 2007 should hold their degrees up high and be very proud; Troubled TSU administrators received their degrees from schools other then TSU.

Let me begin by stating the following: My nephews graduated from Montana State. My uncle is a graduate of Angelo State. The majority of my relatives who are college graduates attended predominately white Universities. They all are law-abiding productive individuals. We know that UT and the UH produce great alumni who contribute to our society, but so does TSU. TSU’s faculty and staff are law-abiding people who come from around the world to teach our students.

With that said, as a TSU alumnus, I want those who would condemn TSU for the acts of a few to know the following: The TSU administrators who misused TSU funds are not TSU graduates. Dr. Slade received her Doctorate in accounting from UT (should the state shutdown UT’s accounting department?). Former TSU Chief Financial Officer Quintin Wiggins was recently convicted of misapplication of fiduciary property. Wiggins received his undergraduate degree from the University of Miami and his MBA in Finance and Investment Banking from St. Thomas University. Alois Blackwell TSU’s Athletic Director for the past six years and a UH graduate received the most warning letters of any “Division I” school. Five sports failed to meet the minimum requirements outlined by Academic Progress Report, which measures eligibility and retention of student-athletes. (Should we call for the closing of U of H?) Should I mention Governor Perry, Texas A&M alumnus, selected the board that he just fired. Perry was considering putting TSU into conservatorship. He and his degreed staff did not even know that the move would jeopardize TSU’s accreditation.

It was TSU students and alumni that exposed the corrupt administrators. Three TSU students (known on campus as “The TSU 3”) tried to expose the mismanagement of the Slade Administration a year prior to the Board becoming aware of Slade’s mismanagement. Slade and the gang retaliated by getting the students indicted on trump up charges and kicking them out of school. Board Chairman and Alumna, Belinda Griffin, was the regent who first questioned Slade’s use of funds and started the internal investigation. (Griffin gets rewarded by being kicked off the Board).

We are tired of others negatively commenting on TSU when many of their fellow alumni are the criminals among us. If now, you want to blame it on their skin color and not the institution where they received their degrees, then what about the Enron’s and WorldCom’s and so on. This negative publicity implies that TSU is doing a poor job of educating students and the students are just a bunch of hip-hoppers wasting tax payers money.

For the sake of our current and future graduating classes TSU’s alumni and friends must go on the offensive and publicly expose those who are hurting the second largest predominantly black University in the country. We CANNOT sit idly by and let others destroy an institution that educates more black professionals than any other in the state. (Over 80% of our pharmacist and 50% of our lawyers and so on)

(Molock: 84,87)

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