The flip of a coin will settle which rival organization stages a parade on the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday next month in downtown Houston. A federal judge has upheld the city of Houston's one-parade-a-day rule for downtown, leaving a flick of chance to determine who gets the coveted permit.
Two parade organizers have applied to proceed at the same time and place on the holiday, which falls on Jan. 21. Ovide Duncantell, executive director of the Black Heritage Society, wants to produce his 30th annual procession on the day the nation honors the slain civil rights leader while Charles Stamps of the MLK Parade Foundation is planning the competing MLK Grande Parade.
Here's a thought; how about combining the parades into a big one worthy of the MLK legacy, split the costs and the profits? Oh yeah, I almost forgot; that would require cooperation and the subverting of egos, huh? And for two grown men to put aside their differences and do what's best for the community of which dual parades definitely are not.